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My Bizarre Journey Down the Yogurt Aisle

Updated: Sep 11, 2021

About a year ago, I was standing in the yogurt aisle at my local grocery store and was absolutely blown-away by the number of choices. It was truly astonishing- lactose-free, vegan, coconut milk, almond milk, Greek, French, Italian, whole-milk...the list went on and on. I was reminded of a professor I had in college who used to say that the death of us all would be too many choices- that the most likely way to have a nervous break-down was to go to the supermarket to pick up a jar of jelly for your roommate, only to realize you have 1,000 choices and no idea what your roommate wants...seedless? Jam? Raspberry? Grape? Huckleberry? Sustainably grown blackberry?? Preserves???

SO...I took this extremely tiny yogurt matter into my own hands, 1 container at a time. I started purchasing 1-2 different types of yogurt a week and posting my reviews on instagram. I had no idea that it would catch on the way it did. Pretty soon, friends were DM-ing me with yogurts they'd like me to review. (What a world, huh?) I think the reviews connected with people because we all feel overwhelmed from time to time by the sheer variety of life. I love all the choices we have, but sometimes you find yourself frozen in the yogurt aisle because you've already made a thousand decisions today, and you simply can't choose one.more.thing.

Here is a taste of that experiment- I hope you find it helpful!

Oui by Yoplait (lemon flavor): this French style yogurt is creamy, sweet, and delicious. A little much for breakfast, I like this yogurt as an after dinner dessert (pictured here as my afternoon snack at work).

Stonyfield Greek (vanilla flavor): this Greek style yogurt didn't have the traditional tang of most Greek yogurts...could definitely pass as a whole-milk yogurt. Decadent and tasty with a silky texture.

Organic Skyr (wildberry flavor): Suuuuuuper tart! I didn't love how liquidy the mix-in berries were, but I adored the taste. Great protein to sugar ratio. Majestic guest appearance by my dogs in the background.

Kite Hill (key lime flavor): this is an almond milk yogurt, so it's dairy-free which is intriguing. The key lime flavor was great but I didn't love the almond-y aftertaste. BUT if you like almonds, this is the one for you!

Chobani (hint of blueberry flavor): Greek yogurt done right, IMHO. Chobani reigns supreme for me- low(er) sugar, creamy texture, great flavor variety, consistent consistency.

The other day I saw a woman standing in the yogurt aisle, just staring. I walked over to her and she smiled when I said "need a recommendation?" ;)

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Jun 06, 2018

I just buy the same yogurt every single week.....thanks for the inspiration to step out of the box!


Jun 04, 2018

Not sure that I am brave enough to try the million options of yogurt, but I certainly am enjoying your reviews on them! There have been a few that I would like to try. You are absolutely right about so many choices for everything.

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