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Winter Activities

Angela and Sarah reset the mantle
Cleaning up and resetting for the new year

Is it cold where you are? Is it hard to go outside because it’s 0 degrees? Looking forward to spring yet?

So are we!

January is a time for new things- for restarts and hope and fun in a new year.

…But when you’re stuck indoors, it can easily feel boring or stifling, but we’ve got a few ideas to keep things interesting this winter!

Try this:

  • Cleaning out kitchen cabinets: Get rid of any appliances or tools you haven't used in the last year. Recycle all the plastic that doesn’t have a matching lid (we’ve all got some!).

  • Go through your pantry and discard anything expired; donate duplicates or anything you’re not going to eat to a local food bank.

  • Clean out and defrost your freezer: Remember, even things in the freezer will eventually go bad…avoid this by cooking what you already have! Between your pantry and freezer, we bet you’ve got a meal.

  • Organizing photos: This applies to your phone as well as the box of photos under your bed. Digitize these physical pics or out them in photo albums so people can enjoy them.

Angela and Sarah review photos
Organizing your photos can be very rewarding!

  • Work on “all day recipes”: These are the recipes you always mean to tackle if you have more time- things like Julia Child’s boeuf bourguignon. Or pull a cookbook off your shelf, turn to a random page, and make whatever you land on. You never know, it could be your next favorite meal!

Sarah and Angela review cookbooks
Try a new recipe this winter!

  • Deep clean your bathtub.

  • Organize your books and/or movies: This could lead to a fun swap-party with your friends where you find a new favorite read.

  • Board games: Nothing beats screaming “Yahtzee!”

  • Actually watch the things in your Netflix queue.

  • Wash your curtains and clean your windows. While you’re doing this, listen to a great audiobook to make the time go by quickly. This is also a great time to think about the other small household tasks that may need to be done, like cleaning baseboards, dusting fan blades, etc.

  • Learn something new like how to make your favorite cocktail, how to say “hello” in a different language, or how to fold a fitted sheet.

Let us know what you try in the comments!

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