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Why Thanksgiving is the Best Holiday

Thanksgiving is my all time favorite holiday because:

  • It’s low key

  • It is food centric

  • You don’t have to go anywhere- Thanksgiving is very “home” oriented

  • We spend it with our extended family each year

For the past 10+ years, we have spent Thanksgiving with my extended family- aunts, uncles, cousins, friends- all together. There is football and parade watching, catching up and laughter, and of course, lots and LOTS of food and drinks.

This is the one time a year that I get to cook alongside all these wonderful people, and we each take a piece of the work. Sometimes I’m on vegetable duty or cupcakes, sometimes I make sure the rolls don’t burn. Everyone does a little something and the meal always comes together beautifully.

Each year when we sit down together, I am struck by what a beautiful gift Thanksgiving is. It’s a chance to spend time with the people I love the most. It’s a chance to break bread together. The candlelight and fog of a full belly make everything rosy, but I think we’d have the same feelings if it weren’t Thanksgiving, if we were simply together on a random Thursday. And that is something I am truly grateful for.

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Dec 10, 2018

Thank you @jenscarry! Thanks&Giving (as I like to call it) is such a great time to be aware of the people in our lives! We are grateful for you too!


Nov 21, 2018

I also love Thanksgiving! I know as an adult I have certainly come to love it even more. It's an opportunity to be reminded of how much I have to be thankful for and most especially the people in my life. I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog and look forward to all of your future posts:) Sarah and Angela I am very thankful for both of you in my life!!! Have a bless Thanksgiving.

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