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Treat Yo' Self

You’ve probably heard the term “self-care” a lot lately- it seems to be all the rage. I am a BIG believer in self-care, but what does that term really mean?

To me, self-care is about taking some time for yourself to recharge. Believe it or not, I am an introvert (a very LOUD introvert, but an introvert nonetheless). I need a lot of alone time to reflect on things and think them through; I need time to not be “on”- to simply be my most relaxed self without any other expectations.

Self-care can be many things- from reading quietly to exercising to cooking a delicious meal. One of my personal favorite ways to recharge is through personal grooming (I know how that sounds, but hear me out!). I am not big on outward appearance- what’s inside each of us is so much more important. However, I have found that taking care of my outside can make me feel more centered and grounded on the inside. I think it’s the mixture of taking the time to relax and being grateful for a mind and body that work. These habits give me time to reflect and express gratitude.

Here are a few simple ways I practice self-care:

  • Face masks- I like sheet masks and clay masks. You can find these at your local drugstore, Wal-Mart, Target...they’re everywhere these days, and they’re very affordable.

  • Make your bed- we make our bed every morning and it’s kind of annoying...but there is nothing better than curling up in a made bed at the end of a long day, trust me.

  • Fresh pajamas- Every morning after making the bed, I lay out my pajamas. It looks so welcoming when you come home to see fresh pj’s on your bed.

  • Luxurious baths- “Luxurious” does not mean “expensive”- it is all about the simple touches. I like to add some epsom salts to my bath to encourage muscle relaxation (a BIG bag of epsom salts is less than $2) and light some candles. I use this time to catch up on podcasts and reflect on the day.

  • Healthy meals- Cooking up a healthy and satisfying meal makes me feel good, body and soul. I recommend trying something a little outside of your comfort zone so it’s fun but with a small ingredients list so it’s not too stressful. (I like anything you can make in the Instant doesn’t get much easier than that!)

Sheet masks are quick, easy, and obviously flattering.

Cute pajamas to brighten your sleepy time routine!

Bottom line: self-care is different for everyone, and very important to practice. Be kind to yourself!

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Jun 04, 2018

This is so important and even more so for women! We tend to do for everyone else and most of the time we are at the end of list. A couple things I like to do for me is sitting on the sofa with Miss Minnie and watching Hallmark movies, and taking a nap in the middle of the day! Glad to see I'm not the only one that loves to come home to a bed that is made:)


May 30, 2018

Self-care is also very important because none of us can help others unless we take good care of ourselves first. Much like we’re told on an airplane, “put your own mask on first” because if you don’t you’re no good to anyone else! Take good care!

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