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The Joy of Unplugging

My husband and I go on the same vacation every year and we absolutely love it. We head to a cabin up in the Smoky Mountains (that my aunt and uncle very graciously lend to us- thank you guys!) that doesn’t have wifi and does not catch a cell signal. It is heaven.

There is a joy in unplugging that cannot be replicated in any other way. Don’t get me wrong- I love the internet (obviously!) and texting is basically second-nature to me. But there is something special about going to a place where you have to go analog. DVDs are a must; there is no streaming. Books are mandatory. Cell phones are actually turned all the way off because they don’t work there any way.

It’s a different feeling than simply turning your devices to silent at home- it’s a feeling of connectedness to each other. It’s sharing in the simple joys of the view. Nature. The sounds of the wind chimes and birds.

We were sitting on the porch there recently, reading side by side and sipping coffee, when it started to rain very lightly.

I closed my eyes and listened to the rain and just smiled, taking the moment in. There is wonder and peace around us, if we take the time to take it in and remember what is really important.

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