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The First Time I Ate Sushi

A recent trip to our local sushi joint, Osaka

When I was in high school, I was involved in a theater school called YAT (Young Actors Theater). My senior year, I had the good fortune to be in a play called “Our Town.” This play includes a lot of adult actors who play the older characters. It was exciting to be a part of a production like that- it felt very grown up and professional.

The actress who played my mother in the play was named Jeannine. We spent many hours together workshopping scenes; we became fast friends. Looking back on it, I imagine she was all of 25- much older and wiser than my 18 years ;)

One day Jeannine invited me out for lunch. “Do you like sushi?” she asked. “I love it!” I replied.

...Only I didn’t know if I loved sushi. Truth be told, I had never even seen it, let alone eaten it.

I’ve never been one to let the unknown stop me, so when it came time for sushi, I simply played along. I asked Jeannine what she normally liked to order. I undid my chopsticks the way she did and mixed the dollop of wasabi into my soy sauce the way she did. I thought I was being pretty smooth until she said “Have you ever eaten this before?”

I had to come clean. I admitted that I didn’t have the first clue about raw fish. To my surprise, Jeannine lit up. “Then we need to try everything!” she squealed. We ordered tray after tray of delicious rolls- tuna and salmon, eel and shrimp, And I loved it. Every bite was a unique flavor and texture. I was hooked.

It’s been years since my first sushi experience, and my love for it has only grown. I love trying fish I am not familiar with and experimenting with different forms of sushi, nigiri, and sashimi. That one fateful meal ended up opening a world of new flavors to me.

Don’t be afraid of cuisines you are not familiar with, and don’t be embarrassed to ask someone to introduce you to a food that they love. I have found that most people love sharing their food knowledge with others and seeing their tastes expand to include new cuisines.

You may end up finding your favorite dish!

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