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That One Time It Snowed

“It hasn’t snowed in nearly 30 years,” was all anyone could say about the snow falling on the ground. It was like some bizarre refrain to a song we all collectively remembered at once.

About 1 month before our wedding, it was full on snowing in south Georgia. When I say “south Georgia” I mean we are almost on the state line of Florida. It’s hot here- 100 degree summers- and winter is considered anything below 75 degrees.

So imagine my surprise when I received a text alert from work telling employees to stay indoors and be safe- work was cancelled until the snow let up.

Atticus cannot believe it

I rushed to the kitchen window just in time to see the first flurries start to fall. I don’t think Atticus liked it very much, but he did love sitting inside with me on that lazy morning, sipping coffee and looking out the window.

Brent called me from work. “Are you seeing this?” he asked- he sounded like a little kid on Christmas.

“I can’t believe it!” was all I could think of in return.

It was magical and strange and wonderful and we took it as an omen.

Call of the wild

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1 comentario

21 ago 2018

It was a fabulous omen of joys to come!

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