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Q&A with Angela

This month, we're bringing you a special post to get to know one of our co-authors a little better. Angela is an amazing cook (but you already knew that!) and a great interview. Enjoy!

When did you start cooking?

I recall learning to cook at an early age. I enjoyed being in the kitchen with my mom and she let me do a lot of simple things but they were part of the learning process. When my mom returned to work when I was about 10 years old, I had a lot of flexibility to try things in the kitchen. I quickly learned to make salads and simple concoctions!

I’ve never understood when a person says ‘they hate to cook’ or they ‘don’t know how to cook.’ I have always thought it was fun to be in the kitchen and get to try new things, repeat old things, and make mistakes. Pour me a glass of wine and set me loose in the kitchen and I am a happy woman!

What is your favorite meal from childhood?

My favorite meal from childhood was probably spaghetti with meat sauce. I’ve never been to Italy but I suspect my mom's version of spaghetti was not really Italian but an American version of dinner that would feed our big family of six! I loved it anyway!

It is still what I would call my “final meal” if asked. It’s funny because we once had a sweet pup named Patches that loved spaghetti. I made it for her the night before she passed away.

When my children were little, spaghetti was always our first day back-to-school dinner. Every year from the time they were in kindergarten we would eat spaghetti and meatballs on the first day of school. I make the American version similar to my mom's.

Is there something you don't know how to cook that you've always wanted to learn?

YES! So many things! During this wild-and-crazy pandemic I have watched many people make sourdough bread and it is something I simply cannot figure out!

Paul Hollywood is my bread making king and I continue to try and learn from his TV shows and cookbooks. He is definitely the master! He makes it look easy but I know that bread making is an art.

What pantry staples do you recommend home cooks always have on-hand?

Oh, this one is easy! Pasta in all kinds of shapes, rice in all kinds of colors, and canned and dry beans in all varieties! They keep forever and you can whip up a meal so easily if you have these on hand. I’d also add canned tomatoes - chopped, sauce, pureed. Oh, and all sorts of flour - bread, cake, all-purpose, whole wheat, self-rising, pizza. Did you know you can store flour in the freezer? It lasts longer.

What is your favorite piece of kitchen equipment?

Without question it is my ancient Kitchenaid stand mixer. I’ve had it for almost 30 years and she just keeps on going strong! It is such a versatile piece of equipment, especially if you invest in all of the attachments. It is expensive but I feel I’ve gotten my money back in 30 years! I gave our daughter one when she got married because I wanted her to know the joy of the Kitchenaid, too!

Who is your favorite cookbook author or food TV host and why?

A few years ago my youngest son gave me a Julia Child autographed cookbook that is very special to me. She was just a maverick and so ahead of the rest of the world when it came to cooking. I really loved her! She would make mistakes on live tv and just laugh and carry on. What a treat she was to watch and enjoy! I’ve been lucky enough to see her kitchen at the Smithsonian in Washington, DC too!

I also love Alex Guarnaschelli and watched her do a live cooking demonstration. Alton Brown is wild and fabulous and I learn so much about science when I watch him! Oh, and Jamie Oliver is a delight … and Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry ….. And …. On and on!

What is your favorite type of cuisine (Italian, Greek, Japanese...)?

It is hard to say because I like them all for many reasons. Italian is total comfort food. Greek is simple and filled with flavor. Japanese is all about the beauty of preparation. Korean is knock-your-socks-off full of flavor. And our American cuisine brings me back to my childhood. I guess I love it all!

Do you prefer casual eating or upscale dining?

This one depends on the circumstances. Eating a McDonald’s hamburger in my yard on a spring day with my family can be just as delightful as a fancy meal at Bern’s Steak House in Tampa. So much depends on the circumstances.

My daughter and I ate at Bern’s the weekend we went to see Taylor Swift and it was an almost magical experience. We had dinner then went upstairs to the dessert lounge for after dinner cocktails, desserts, and Sinatra being played on the piano. WOW!

I’ve also eaten a fantastic late night grilled cheese sandwich from a food truck after too many beers.

One year I took my granddaughter to a Christmas celebration in Thomasville, GA and we ate hot dogs that were passed through a window with a bag of Fritos and a bottle of Coca-Cola. She may not remember it but I will always remember that day!

Our family went to NYC one New Year's Eve and we ate at a tiny diner that was greasy and wonderful. The place was filled with New York's finest so you know it was good!

I’ve been lucky enough to get to eat Korean barbecue in Guam, goat kebabs in Morocco, something I could not identify in Germany, meatloaf at my mom and dad’s house, paella in Valencia, McDonald’s, Taco Bell, and a host of other delights and they all had one thing in common: I got to share the experience with the people I love!

Would you rather sit inside or outside?

Always outside! I really enjoy myself even more when a restaurant has outdoor seating.

Anything else we ought to know?

Food for me is an experience. It is about so much more than filling a hungry void. It is more about who you get to share it with than what you actually eat.

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