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People are the Best

“People are the worst!” How many times a day do you hear that? I wish I could remove this from our language and our thought processes because I think it is not true and not a healthy way to live.

People are not the worst … maybe their behaviors, or their odd beliefs, or how they act sometimes but people really are the best, not the worst!

I certainly don’t agree with everything everyone does, whether it is my next-door neighbor or a political figure, but what I do believe is something that my favorite sociologist has said ...

“I know my life is better when I work from the assumption that everyone is doing the best they can.” – Brené Brown, Dare to Lead

I do believe that most everyone really is doing the best they can.

When someone turns me down for a night out or a cup of coffee I do not automatically assume they hate me. Maybe they’re just busy. Aren’t we all?

If someone cuts me off in traffic I do not assume they are a jackass. Maybe they are late for work and have a jackass boss.

When a client forgets a scheduled appointment I do not assume s/he is lazy. Maybe no one has ever taught them differently.

I think it is always very easy to assume the ‘worst’ about people and I’d like to turn that around because imagine how wonderful the world would be if we all just assumed the best rather than the worst? It takes effort, I know, but it is worth the journey and makes your life a happier place to be!

Whenever I travel I am always taken aback by the volume of kindness I receive from total strangers. I love every minute of it. Recently, my husband and I went whale watching in the Pacific and met the loveliest couple on the boat. We ended up chatting throughout the trip and found out that, although they are from Perth and we live in Florida, we had countless things in common. We ended up going to dinner and drinks with them and met another couple. Before this excursion, we were all strangers but we all took a chance and assumed the best. And it was the best!

As we enter into my favorite time of year (HOLIDAYS!) I encourage everyone to give Brene Brown’s advice a try. Try looking for the best and see the world through different eyes. Try looking for the best and see people differently because none of us knows the struggles each person carries.

PS: I’ve been lucky enough to read all of Brene Brown’s books and I use them as references for my clients very often. If you’re lucky enough to be near a library or bookstore consider picking up any of her books. You’ll be happy you did!

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