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Pandemic Projects

When the pandemic first started - way back in March - I thought things would be back to normal in a few weeks. Boy, was I ever wrong because here we are now, all these months later (can you even believe it?!?!), and the whole wide world is still dealing with this dreadful virus. YIKES!

So, in an effort to keep from losing my mind I have taken up several hobbies to help my family and to help the cause. Cooking more elaborate meals rather than throwing something together quickly at the end of a long workday has been fun, enjoyable, and much healthier for us; threading my sewing machine for the first time in years; writing a book; organizing our home. Doesn't sound like much but with my shorter commute (aka: walking down my hall and working remotely) I have more free time than ever and am getting all kinds of stuff done!

Bread, rolls, and desserts daily (yum), masks for family, friends, hospitals, and organizations, writing the story of my life, getting rid of stuff, and creating space - all of this has been fun and fruitful for me and has saved a bit of my sanity :-) I’ve never thought of myself as a homebody but I have to say that I am enjoying that part of this time. I like the slower pace, the aroma of baked goods, and taking a walk every day.

Freshly irons and ready to go!

After making many masks, I lost count around number 300, I feel like I can now make them in my sleep! My husband keeps timing me to see how quick I’ve gotten and after many months and 300+ masks I can now pull one together in about 15 minutes.

After seeing all the scrap fabric being created from mask making I decided to see if I could fashion a quilt - a “quarantine quilt.” Turns out, it was a good use of all the leftovers.

Quarantine Quilt, coming right up!

My neighbors are loving all the cooking I’ve been doing, especially the eclairs, madeleines, gumbo, and rolls which we share. Some things are hard to make for only two.

So, anyway, that is how I’ve been spending the last seven months. How about you? What is helping you through this most challenging of times? What have you learned about yourself? How do you hope to look back on this time?

As Abraham Lincoln said, “This, too, shall pass.”

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