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Palindromes and Other Nice Things

You may have read Sarah’s posts about the joy of yogurt over the past year and now here’s a thought, or two, from me.

First off, Siggis yogurt is delicious and is a palindrome! What?! Remember back to elementary school and you may recall teachers telling you these are words that can be read the same way backwards and forwards, like “siggis,” or “radar,” or “mom,” or “dad,” “madam.” Or how about this one: “nurses run.” Isn’t that fun?!!

Second, Siggi’s is filled with delicious and simple ingredients and I can actually read every single word on the label! And speaking of labels, look at how you can take the paper off and recycle the plastic container and the paper!! OMG!! Everyone knows my obsession with recycling and simple things like that will make me buy more of this luscious yogurt! YUM and it’s a good thing!

Find Siggi’s Icelandic style yogurt wherever you buy groceries and enjoy!!

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