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Oh, What Fun!

Drop a note in the mail to brighten someone's day!

The past several months have certainly been a trying time for all of us and, like all of you, I look forward to this time passing. Even during these challenging times, I’ve read amazing stories of how folks are helping one another and building up joy where and when they can.

Would you like to help but don’t know where to start? Well, I am glad you’ve asked because I’ve got a whole list of things you can do right in your own community or from your comfy living room chair that can help and make a difference in someone else's life! Reaching out and helping others is still ‘open for business’ and here are some easy and fun opportunities we can all participate in :-)

  • If you like to write letters or send cards there are organizations that will see that they are delivered to nursing homes, deployed veterans, or hospital patients. Here are some addresses you can use:

You can also check with nursing homes, USO offices, and hospitals in your area, or you can send an email/card/letter thanking those working so hard right now - doctors, nurses and other hospital workers, mail clerks, delivery folks, stock clerks, police, ambulance drivers, EMT's and other first responders, trash collectors, and whoever makes a difference to you.

The cards and letters do not have to be long or fancy, just a simple note letting someone know you care...and the dollar store sells cards 2/$1! What a deal!

  • Masks are a simple thing to make even if you don’t have any extra fabric. An old shirt you no longer wear can be cut into the right size to create a mask for someone in need. If you don’t sew you can always donate fabric and elastic to someone who does sew. YouTube and the internet are full of how-to videos.

  • Donations are always needed even when there isn't a pandemic happening and when this ends there will be many who need all kinds of things from bottled water to clothes for a job interview. If you don’t have the financial resources right now you can always go through your closets and find things to donate.

Many years ago when we were moving and cleaning out our attic (aka the place where things go to die) I ran across things I had stored for years. By the time of our move, these things were worthless. I’d saved them only to toss them out years later! It is something to think about when you look through things you are saving. Does it help you or harm you to keep stuff? Maybe someone else needs it right now and you can help by simply donating...let go of things clogging up your life and help someone else in the process.

  • Schools always need extra hands to help with a variety of jobs. If the school closest to your home isn’t allowing volunteers at this time, ask if you can do projects at home for a teacher: cutting things out, organizing folders, finding art activities online, doing research, etc. There’s plenty to do :-)

  • Collecting non-perishables and canned goods for a local shelter, food pantry, or other outreach. Many of us bought extra stuff at the beginning of the pandemic and now we don’t need it. Give some of that toilet paper away, or the extra paper towels, bottled water, or cans of soup.

  • Other stuff that is easy: support a small local business, deliver for Meals-on-Wheels, collect toiletries to donate, leave a bottle of water for your mail carrier or trash pick-up persons, donate books you’ve already read to your local library, school, nursing home, etc., go for a walk and pick up trash along the way :-)

Thanks for making a difference :-)

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