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Less is More

Does anyone's grocery store ACTUALLY look like this?

The key to eating out less is simple: have food at your house that you want to eat!

I know this sounds crazy, but it really is true. My husband and I have made a concerted effort to eat in more. It’s a time saver (no more driving or waiting for a table) and a BIG money saver (did you know you can make the same meal at home for ¼ of the price?).

Here are a few tips to making eating at home more enjoyable:

  • Gratitude: Take a moment to be grateful for the opportunity to eat at home, to enjoy your family (or your alone time!), to have what you need. Not everyone is so lucky. Remember that eating out is a luxury and so is having enough to eat.

  • Cooking gets easier the more you do it. Practice creating dishes that inspire you and cut yourself slack when things don’t turn out perfectly.

  • Cook what you want to eat! Craving a simple casserole? Make it. Want a steak dinner? Go for it! Cook food that you are excited about eating.

  • Treat this meal like a restaurant would. Having fish? Serve it with a lemon garnish. Love appetizers? Make a cheese and fruit board to enjoy while you prepare your main course.

  • Meal planning makes life a whole lot easier. Take a few minutes to make a list of what you’d like to have for dinner and what ingredients you’ll need to make that happen. Don’t wander through the store aimlessly- head in with a list and an end goal. *Pro-tip: stock your pantry with staple items to make shopping easier.

Eating at home can be a pleasure with a little planning and preparation. Don’t be overwhelmed by the time it will take to make the dinner- you’ll end up with more time after the meal than you think! Remember to be grateful and savor your meal. You got this!

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Oct 31, 2018

I enjoy cooking also even though I am now cooking for one! One of the added benefits I find are leftovers that I can take for lunch the next day or dinner another night.

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