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Joy in the Ordinary (or: why I love Phil Dunphy, Sue Heck, Jane Villaneuva, and Beverly Goldberg)

The older I get, the more I realize how much joy there is in the ordinariness that is life. When I was much younger I would have told you that joy is in the big things like fancy cars, or fancy homes, fancy trips, and fancy clothes. Now that I am all grown-up (finally, some would say), I am acutely aware that joy is found in the everyday-ness of life, like waking up healthy, getting to have coffee with a friend, or having a quiet dinner with my family.

There’s certainly nothing wrong with the bigger things, I do still enjoy a fabulous trip, but since most of my life is time with family, going to work, doing laundry, or buying groceries I’ve learned that finding joy in those things is more important than anything else because that is what most of life is made of - the regular ordinary stuff.

Phil, Sue, Jane, and Beverly are all tv people who simply love their simple lives and they live each day with gusto, whether it is cooking breakfast or trying out for cheerleading, they approach each thing with a joy that is contagious and lovable. They can find joy even when they fail.

It seems that as the world becomes more complicated it is more important than ever to find our joy right where we are, to find balance in all we do, simplifying and enjoying every moment of every day.

Here are some simple ideas for ways you can find joy in your ordinary and create more balance in your day-to-day life:

  • Make your family and friends a priority. The laundry, dirty dishes, work, etc. will all be there later. Go have coffee, lunch, dinner, or just make a phone call. Social connection is vital to good mental health and the growth of your joy.

  • Be aware of the needs of others, whether it is here at home or in the bigger world. Reaching out and making a difference changes the way you look at life in positive ways.

  • Be grateful every day and in every way. Instead of focusing on what isn’t, focus on what is and be grateful!

  • Maintain the simple healthy habits of sleep (7-9 hours every single night), exercise, and nutrition. This simple trifecta for life makes all the difference in how you feel and how you see life.

  • Be mindful and engaged in the present moment.

  • AND for the love of all good things in the world: Stop complicating everything! Dinner can be a peanut butter sandwich shared with loved ones, exercise can be a walk around your office, reaching out can be donating a bag of socks, and being mindful can be merely turning off your screens.

Take a deep breath and look around at all the wonder and joy the world has to offer!

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