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Ideas for Staying Home

At home spa day, anyone?

In this time of uncertainty, it is very important to stay home and away from crowds as much as possible. For many of us- even the homebodies- this can feel isolating and scary.

Remember to do the important things: practice social distancing, wash your hands, don’t touch your face, sanitize work stations and items that are touched often as much as possible. Try to prepare your home and family for fewer outings and avoid contact with others, especially the elderly and vulnerable populations, when you can.

Without making light of the situation, here are some fun things you can do if you find yourself at home more often than usual over the coming weeks:

  • Try a new recipe

  • Purchase a take-home-kit from a local craft store (Hammer & Stain in Thomasville is offering some really neat ones, and Fuzzy Goat will bring your order to your car!)

  • Do a self-care afternoon: face mask, hair mask, in-home mani/pedi

  • Take a bath

  • Listen to podcasts

  • Catch up on your “to be read” list

  • Get a jump on your spring cleaning

  • Paint a room

  • Organize your kitchen cabinets

  • Color

  • Write letters to people

  • Make a list of people and experiences you are grateful for

  • Exercise! You can do all kinds of exercises from the comfort of your living room. YouTube has some great videos that are easy to follow along with.

  • Do a puzzle

  • Knit

Whatever you do, stay safe out there and remember to be kind to one another. Remember, we’re all going through this together.

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