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I Hate Exercise

There, I said it! Just once I’d like to meet someone who really enjoys exercise. I don’t mean someone who does it because s/he is supposed to, or they like their gym, or their hot instructor. I mean, someone who really really enjoys the sweating, the getting-up-early or the staying-late-to-get-it-done person.

Like so many, I do it because it is the right thing to do. I do it because the research says I should. I do it because my family wants me to live a long time. I do it because my cardiologist says I should. But I do not do it because I like it!!

I was watching my neighbors children recently while they were playing in our cul-de-sac - running around, hopping on and off their bikes, playing hopscotch, etc. and I was thinking that if exercise for me could be that much fun I might enjoy it a little more. I suspect I’d be arrested if I ran outside and started playing with the neighbors children so instead I took the dog for a walk and got in my 10,0000 steps.

As I was whining, to my dog, about the heat and the bugs and whatever I saw an older gentleman riding his bike while smoking a cigar. It’s true! Maybe that would help me enjoy my exercise routine … I could take up smoking or carry a tumbler of scotch around while walking the dog. Just a thought!

How do you make exercise more tolerable?

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Katie D'Souza
Katie D'Souza
Sep 10, 2019

I love listening to podcasts on a run outside! Once, though, I listened to a stand-up by Tiffany Haddish on a treadmill and laughed so hard I almost fell off the treadmill, so... be forewarned

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