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House Hunting

Not our house.

Brent and I have been house hunting and let me just tell you: it ain’t like HGTV.

Don’t get me wrong- we’ve been having fun and enjoyed looking at some beautiful places, but we’ve also run into some...interesting design decisions (how about a urinal in a residential home, for example?).

What I have learned is that things like this take patience. Not the “dinner will be ready in an hour” kind of patience, but the “this might take a while” type. Patience is not my strong suit. Anyone who knows me will tell you that if I set my mind to something, it is going to be completed in an efficient, time sensitive manner.

This trait is a double-edged sword. It means I get a lot done, but it also means I sometimes force things to be done that...aren’t. I am a big believer in not letting the perfect get in the way of the good.

But there is no forcing a decision this big. There’s no “let’s just settle” when the decision may affect you for 20 or 30 years and involves much of your savings. Fixer upper is fine, but “I hate this neighborhood” isn’t going to cut it.

So I am learning to...lean back a little. To enjoy the visits to all the wrong places and make mental notes of what I like and what I loathe. Sooner or later our place will come along, and the good news is: I won’t be wondering if we saw enough houses.

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