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When I look at my desk, I see a few things: too much to do, mountains of paperwork, and some messages that I really am going to return one day. I also see a few pictures, and these are the ones that make me slow down.

The view from my desk

The one in the white frame is my husband and our dog, Atticus. They’re both asleep in our bedroom- usually a big NO. But this picture was taken during Hurricane Michael. At this point, our power had been out for 4 days. We were hot, tired, and if I am being honest, extremely bored. (You can only read so many books by flashlight before it goes from “charming” to “annoying.”) But at this exact moment, we were all together and peaceful and calm. It is an extremely happy memory in the midst of great chaos.

The photo in the black frame was taken at my favorite breakfast restaurant in Thomasville. On this particular day, we had just left a men’s clothing store, letting my dad and brothers get fitted for suits for my then-upcoming wedding (we’ve been married 2 years now- can you believe it??). It was such a fun day together- the original Turner 5, hanging out, eating pancakes, right before a defining moment in my story. Life doesn’t get much better than that.

The final photo, in the red frame, was taken this past Thanksgiving at my aunt and uncle’s house. This one shows so much joy! Between my cousins, brothers, parents, aunts, niece, and uncle, there is more happiness, hilarity, and good storytelling than any one family deserves (and a TON of good cooking). I am reminded each time I look at it how lucky we are and how grateful I am for them and our time together.

Days at the office are not always nice. There are interpersonal dramas, work-load insanity, little irritations and the rest. In those moments when I am frustrated, I try to turn my attention to these photos. I am reminded of what is really important in life (spoiler alert: it is not anything at work), and for that, I am extremely grateful.

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