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From "To Do" to "Oh Yes, I Am Done!"

Are you a list maker? Do you write things down that you want to accomplish each day, week, month, or year? Do you write out your annual resolutions? Yes? No? Maybe? Sometimes?

Turns out you should and we all should. There’s lots of great research about this and I won’t bore you with that here but I will give you some references at the end of this post so you can read more about the value of writing things down.

Here’s some other thoughts before you get started on your 2019 lists/resolutions/things-you-want-to-do:

✓ Start small! Don’t kid yourself or set yourself up for failure. If you’ve never exercised before you are not suddenly going to exercise everyday. Set simple, achievable goals; like exercise 3 times per week. Or taking the stairs at work. Slow and steady wins the race! As Abraham Lincoln said, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

✓ Be positive, hopeful, optimistic! It really does make a difference. If you see yourself as being successful you are more likely to be successful!

Here’s my take on why I find making lists is helpful for my day-to-day life:

✅ I’ve got enough junk rumbling around in my head every single day without the addition of a grocery list, my to-do list, and a zillion others thoughts. My brain is too crowded already!

✅ It is very gratifying to make a list and accomplish the tasks. Even if I do not accomplish everything on my list, I feel good about it and can save the rest for the next day.

✅ It is equally gratifying to cross things off a list! When you make a list on a phone/tablet and you delete the item it is as if it never existed. Doesn’t feel near as good as drawing a line through an accomplishment or putting a ✓checkmark next to something completed!

✅ Studies show that we are much more likely to accomplish something - a task, a goal, a resolution - if we write it down.*

✅ I keep a small notepad and pen next to my bed so I can write things down that occur to me when I should be sleeping. Instead of lying awake and thinking about the things I have to do tomorrow, I just write them down. It gives the thoughts a place to live and it gives me an opportunity to rest.

✅ It’s just very satisfying to me to make a list and cross things off. I’ve tried using my phone and found it, frankly, irritating. I’d like less technology in my life and one of the ways I’ve been able to do that is with paper and pen … I’ve even gone to a paper calendar in 2019!

One of the most famous researchers in the field of healthful writing is James Pennebaker, PhD a social psychologist and professor of psychology at the University of Texas, Austin. His research in the value of writing is fascinating. He has a myriad of great books too, including, Opening Up By Writing It Down: How Expressive Writing Improves Health and Eases Emotional Pain, and The Secret Life of Pronouns: What Our Words Say About Us. It’s good stuff!

Here’s some references if you want to read more … oh, and happy writing!

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