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First Fridays

Packed out at our amphitheater!

A big part of my job is planning and creating First Friday events for my town. Each month we pick a different theme and have a band play downtown. The shops and restaurants get really into it by offering specials and sales that relate to the theme (they’re really clever- you should see all the different sangrias you can make to fit a theme!). This March we started the concert season back up again and the amphitheater venue was packed!

I love seeing people from all walks of life come together to enjoy the outdoors and listen to some good music. These are simple events that bring the community together (don’t get me wrong- “simple” doesn’t mean “easy”) and I think events like this really matter.

First Fridays are an act of radical kindness: In a time of great division, we’re bringing people together to share something. So while it might not be brain surgery, I think event planning can bring out the superhero in us if we let it. And that is something to be proud of.

If your town offers First Friday events (or Third Thursdays or Second Saturdays!), I encourage you to get out there and enjoy them. Meet your neighbors, enjoy some community time, and remember why you moved where you did. Connecting with the places we live can sometimes be difficult, but it is vitally important.

Have fun!

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