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Farmers Market

We are very fortunate to live in a part of the country where fresh fruit and vegetables are plentiful most of the year from local farmers. While we complain about the oppressive heat of June, July, and August it affords us beautiful berries, tomatoes, okra, broccoli, onions, peanuts, pecans, eggplant, and many other luscious gifts from the earth.

Rainbow carrots from the Farmers Market

Here in Tallahassee, we are surrounded by small farms that grow organic fruits, vegetables, and sustainable meats and cheeses that are all an incredible addition to your family meals.

If you think it is more expensive than the grocery store, you might be right BUT I’ll tell you all the reasons it is worth it to spend a smidge more:

  • It is only pennies more than shopping at the big box or small box stores!

  • It helps our local farmers maintain their lively-hood!

  • There is much less waste because you can see exactly what you are purchasing. (Foodstuffs are not packaged in large containers where you cannot see what is inside!)

  • It is organic, better for your health, and sustainable!

  • There are often fruits and vegetables that are new to me!

  • Starting my day on Saturday by shopping locally and visiting with friends and neighbors is wonderful fun!

Fresh okra and tomatoes from the Farmers Market, stewing away!

If you’ve never been to the Saturday Farmer’s Market in Killearn, you should consider checking it out this weekend (and every Saturday) at the corner of Thomasville Road and Kerry Forest Parkway from 8am to noon. Bring your own bag and help save the planet!

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