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Composting is a new adventure for me and I wanted to share with you how easy and worthwhile it is!

By now, everyone is aware of my passion for recycling and composting is another form of recycling that helps and heals the environment and can provide you with all the free potting soil you’ll ever need!

Composting is a natural process that breaks down food and yard waste, via bacteria and heat, and creates humus which is a type of organic soil. It is much easier than I expected and contrary to popular belief it does not smell or attract rodents.

I purchased my composting bin from Tallahassee Nurseries but you can also create your own.

Gross looking inside but environmentally wonderful!!

Here are some websites that tell you more about composting and how to build your own bin: › BHG.COM › Gardening › Yard › Compost

What kind of stuff can you compost? Almost anything organic from your kitchen, including all vegetable and fruit peels, egg shells, coffee grounds and the little paper filter, plain bread and pasta (with nothing on them), nut shells, corn cobs, etc. *

From your yard you can compost twigs, sticks, leaves, etc. You can even compost wood ashes, like from a fireplace.

You cannot compost non-organic materials like plastic, metal, glass, etc. You also cannot compost animal waste, meats or dairy products.

Here are a few of the reasons why I’ve chosen to compost:

  • Our planet is small and crowded and we need to do all we can to keep it clean

  • I don’t want to live on a planet that just becomes a huge landfill

  • It cuts down on waste that ends up in a landfill

  • It provides me with another method to recycle and cut down on trash my household creates

  • I haven’t had to purchase potting soil in years because I have fresh chemical free soil in my compost bin

  • I’d rather compost food scraps than throw them away

It is an easy and worthwhile thing to do and I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised how good it makes you feel to cut down on waste and garbage at your own home. Give it a try and let me know your results!

*I keep this small covered container on my kitchen counter to collect kitchen scraps, then take the whole container out to my compost bin daily. This is actually an ice bucket that I found on sale at Brown’s Kitchen ( I like it because it has a snug lid.

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