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My love for candles knows no bounds. I burn them year-round in an attempt to make my house smell like fall all the time. I find them homey and inviting. We have a large picture window in our kitchen, and when I pull into the driveway from work in the evenings and see the candles burning through the window, it feels like home.

Bath and Body Works has the best candles, hands down. They last forever, smell amazing, and go on sale rather frequently (so wait until they run a promo to try one!). I am extremely partial to food smells like coffee, vanilla, and cinnamon. My favorites of theirs are Paris Cafe (coffee) and the Cinnamon Spiced Vanilla (pictured here). You also can’t go wrong with Lavender and Linen (a very relaxing scent).

Candles can create a sense of warmth and invitation that make your home feel cozy. Give it a try!

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