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Breakfast of Champions

For most of my life, breakfast for me has been a stiff cup of coffee, and nothing else. I am trying to embrace the idea as I’ve always been told that it is the “most important meal of the day” … I am not sure why that is true - I just know I’ve heard it all my life! So, this week and in future posts, you will see my attempts at creating something that is delicious and healthy. Oh, and you should know that I don’t eat eggs in any form (except mixed into a cake/cookie batter) … I just think they are so weird!

I’ve recently been eating some form of bread topped with smooshed up avocados, a little salt and pepper, and bacon. Of course, anything (absolutely anything) is better with bacon on it and this is my new favorite go-to for breakfast. It is also delicious with a slice of tomato. Enjoy!

...And if you’d like, send me your ideas for breakfast, I am open to trying new things!

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