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A gorgeous loaf, ready to be eaten!

If there is a heaven I believe they bake yeast breads all day long and fill the world with an aroma that is like no other! It is a comforting fragrance that soothes my soul and makes me happy!

The greatest bread baker in the whole wide world has to be Paul Hollywood of Great British Baking fame. If you’ve watched him on the show you will see a man who is incomparably skilled because he has been baking since he was a child, as the son of a baker. He is very gifted and a very good teacher, as his cookbooks demonstrate.

Add this cookbook to your repertoire- you won't be disappointed!

Although I am not as skilled I thoroughly enjoy his cookbooks because he describes and shows you how to do each step in the process using very clear directions and beautiful photos.

I have been amazed by what I have learned from his books and delighted by the outcome of each delicious loaf, boule, and roll. Pick up one of his many books and impress your family!

A French loaf, waiting to be sliced!

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