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Book Review: I Miss You When I Blink

Do you ever get the feeling that things happen right when they are supposed to? That the right person/experience/book finds you at exactly the moment you need them to? I Miss You When I Blink is a collection of essays by Mary Laura Philpott, and it came to me at exactly the right time.

I was wandering through the local bookstore and picked this up because, quite frankly, I liked the cover. As soon as it was in my hands, one of my favorite booksellers said “If you’re a Type A person, that book will make you feel seen.” She could not have been more right about that.

These essays are connected by the thread of growing up, no matter how old you are. They made me feel seen (hello anxiety that motivates you!) and gave me permission to wonder if things could be different, and helped me reconcile the desire to dream and want more with the idea of still being a good person who isn’t an ungrateful bitch (the author’s words, not mine...but mine now).

The biggest moment of the book for me was in an essay called “A Letter to the Type A Person in Distress.” The author is speaking directly to the reader in this piece and I re-read it 3 times because I felt so connected to it. (I am not a re-reader.)

I will be thinking about this book for a very long time. It is funny- it really is!- and relatable. I imagine if you have children, much of this book will speak to you (but the best part is, there’s something in here for any woman who has ever wondered about her life).

One of the most poignant take aways for a people pleaser like me is that you are sometimes chosen for things, but you have to remember to make your own choices.

I highly recommend I Miss You When I Blink!

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