Over Memorial Day weekend, Brent and I decided to boil peanuts. If you’ve never had boiled peanuts, then I am very sorry for you and hope you can rectify that situation immediately.
The best boiled peanuts are usually served out of the back of a pickup truck on the roadside, heading towards the beach...but they’re pretty good when you make them on your back porch, too.
I like Cajun-style peanuts, but if you’re a beginner, try the traditional salt-only peanuts first. They’re delicious and simple and a great introduction to cooked nuts.
A few pointers if you’re going to try this:
Use green peanuts- I got ours from the local farmers’ market. Green peanuts feel slightly damp to the touch.
You can never add too much salt or seasoning- the water tears through the salt, so add more than you think. For about 1 pound of peanuts, we used a whole box of kosher salt.
This process takes time- be prepared to wait around while the peanuts soften. Read a magazine, drink a beer, and settle in. The wait is worth it.
You can cook boiled peanuts inside, but I recommend doing it outside. Much like broccoli, the smell tends to linger indoors.
Never leave a cooker unattended!
This is very simple: bring water and salt to a boil, add peanuts. Boil until peanuts are tender (anywhere from 1 hour-3 hours depending on quantity of peanuts, toothiness preference, etc.). A frying basket is a wonderful tool here, but you can of course fish the peanuts out of the water with a spider strainer instead.
Boiled peanuts are the quintessential southern summertime snack. They cost very little to make and are a wonderful excuse to relax outside. Give them a try and let me know what you think!