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Like many people lately, I have succumbed to the allure of aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils to benefit your overall health and mood. Research on the effectiveness of aromatherapy is limited, but I can tell you from personal experience that smells are a powerful thing and have brought me a great deal of comfort since I began using them more intentionally.

I have high anxiety, and am always on the lookout for the something to ease me into relaxation after a long day at work. Lavender lotion was recommended to me as an addition to my bedtime ritual. Whether through the placebo effect or actual efficacy, I found this lavender addition greatly reduced my anxiety at the end of the night and helped me unwind from the day.

I have since added an essential oil diffuser to my nighttime routine, plugging it in on a timer when I lay down.

Essential oils are fascinating- they have many different uses, from stress reduction to allergy relief and everything in between. I will continue using these oils and report back on the results with them, but so good!

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