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Angela's 2022 Goal: Update!

In our recent video I mentioned that I would be going through boxes at our house to recycle, repurpose, or get rid of "stuff." It has been a huge undertaking! I have many of those big under-the-bed-storage bins where things have gone to die. After 45 years of marriage and 3 children those boxes were bursting at the seams with cards, letters, art projects, graduation programs, and wedding invitations. I have saved it all! I reopened every card, read almost all of the letters, and took a walk down memory lane with every wedding invitation and graduation announcement.

It was wonderful to read actual letters from my parents and friends who are no longer here. It was delightful to reread the school programs for events at my children's schools. It was amazing to see time fly right before my eyes!

Some things went into our recycling bin and some things I am passing on to my children. Some things I am simply not ready to part with yet and those went back into a bin under the bed. So far, I've gone from three big bins down to one.

Here are my pics of the adventure. It was fun, exhausting, worthwhile and in keeping with my "things I wanna do in '22."

Angela's pile of cards and letters from years of collecting
LOTS to go through!

Angela's collection of photos, cards, and letters
There are treasures in here!

Angela organizes her collection of letters and cards
Making progress...

A clean workspace after organizing mountains of old cards and letters.
WHEW- progress!

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1 Comment

Mar 19, 2022

I love that you were and to share an old photo with me, surely part of your 2022 gosh! Clint still likes to look at "how young" I was!

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