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A Simpler 2020

I was in the post office recently, idly putting stamps on the letters I was mailing. They were the kind of stamps that come pre-sticky and all you have to do is peel them off and stick them on. A man standing nearby said, “I miss when you had to lick each stamp.” I laughed and thought, not me, but whatever. When I got to my car his comment made me think about things I actually do miss.

Things I miss …

  • Everything, from grocery lists to college papers, being handwritten

  • Cursive handwriting

  • No internet, yep, no internet

  • Finding out things by actually talking to people

  • Letters and cards in my mailbox

  • Phones that hung on the kitchen wall and made calls only

  • The joy of eating watermelon only in the summer when it was the most ripe and delicious

  • Holidays that were celebrated without a mattress sale or car sale going on

  • Enjoying a bottle of Coca-Cola and not worrying that it would kill me

  • Dressing up for Halloween

  • Eating all of my Halloween candy and never thinking about the calories

  • Gasoline, and everything else, costing less

  • Everything being closed on Sunday’s

  • My children being little

  • My children thinking I was a superhero (Sarah's note: we still do!)

  • Being innocent

  • My mom and dad

  • All of my aunts and uncles

  • Having grandparents

  • Eating a popsicle in the yard in the hot Florida summer

  • Pretending

  • Relaxing and never worrying about anything at all!

So, in 2020, one of the things I hope to accomplish is simplifying my life. While I don’t wish for stamps you have to lick, I would enjoy making more phone calls and sending less emails, occasionally having that Coca-Cola and not being panicked about it, being grateful for my children right where they are because they’ll never be little again, making the best of things right where I am every single day and knowing that it is, indeed, a good life!

How will you celebrate the coming year and make it your best one yet and maybe even a little bit simpler?

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