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A Really Good Idea: Gratitude Journal

The older I get the more I realize the importance of small stuff - watching the birds out of my kitchen window, a sweet card in the mail, a brief text from a faraway friend, a call from one of my children, or the simple act of gratitude. It turns out that those simple acts of recognition are helping my brain to be happier and more optimistic every single day!

The more grateful we are the more there is to be grateful for! Look around you and see all the beauty that is in your world - children laughing, people hugging, birds chirping, and dogs barking.

I keep a gratitude journal next to my bed and try to write at least three things each night that I am grateful for from that day. I bought a special journal when I was at Universal Studios last summer that is simply beautiful and makes me happy just looking at it! It is a joy to write in it!

You don’t have to have a special journal - you can write in whatever you want - just do it as often as you can!

Want to read more about the power of gratitude? Find it here:

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