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2020 New Year's Resolutions

I love making New Year’s resolutions! Instead of tasks I have to accomplish, I see resolutions as opportunities to make myself better and improve my daily life. This takes away some of the pressure of traditional resolutions- there is no number to hit, no scale to step on. Rather, these resolutions are about small, incremental changes that genuinely improve my wellbeing.

This year, my resolutions are:

1. Do not engage in negativity at work.

I am starting small here, making this change a work-focused one instead of an overall change. (After all, biting off more than you can chew is a recipe for failure.) I am hoping that by making this change at work, the positivity will spill over into my personal life. So what does this mean? To me, it means not complaining as much, not engaging in gossip, and not going with the flow of negativity. For example, I love to decorate for the holidays (including Valentine’s Day!), and several colleagues have made comments about how silly that is (in not so many words). Instead of engaging with this, I have been responding with the upbeat phrase “I love celebrating things!”. This positivity seems to re-direct the conversation in a more positive way, which is good for everyone.

2. Have more fun!

This one may seem easy, but it’s actually a doozy for me! I am a highly structured person who thrives on routine and predictability. There is nothing wrong with that, but it can become rigid and inflexible if I am not careful. So this year, I am resolving to have more fun- to accept the invitation to the movies, to stay up late when the occasion calls for it, and to have dessert. Ok, maybe not those activities specifically, but you get the idea!

Do you have any New Year’s resolutions for 2020? Feel free to share them in the comments!

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