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Meet the Authors

Our blog is us, plain and simple!

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“Family means putting your arms around each other and being there.”

-Barbara Bush


Hi!  We're Angela and Sarah, a mother-daughter team based in the southeast.

Cooking, entertaining, and creating a space to call home are the things we're most passionate about!  (...well, that and a stiff drink at the end of the day.)  


We love spending time together and creating things.  We believe that cynicism is only making us tired.  We believe that almost any problem looks smaller after a big plate of food.  We believe that inviting people over matters way more than what's on the news.  


When we decided to go on this adventure of blogging together, we talked about all kinds of things we’d like to see on these pages. We originally started with the idea of a cookbook where we would share things we each like to cook but decided we wanted to share lots of fun stuff with the world...and voila! What you see here is what came about. We are having fun even if we are the only ones reading it!


Our blog is us, pure and simple.

Thanks for coming along.  We hope you enjoy this ride with us and that you'll find something here that inspires you to stay awhile.



Angela is the lucky mom of three adult children, two in-law children, one wonderful grandgirl, a sweet pup, and a crazy cat! She's been married to her college sweetheart for a very long time and they are lifelong Floridians.


She loves to watch fun tv shows like Modern Family, The Goldbergs, or The Middle and has loved movies all her life, especially The Birdcage and You've Got Mail! Her musical tastes are very old school and she loves James Taylor, Carol King, and most anything from the '70's! Alexa often plays Frank Sinatra in her kitchen while she cooks!


Angela and her daughter, Sarah, started this blog several years ago to share their joy of "everything home" with the world! They believe that joy in our homes spreads joy to the world!




Sarah lives in South Georgia with her husband and three dogs.  She enjoys cooking, picking out the perfect gift, and fine stationery.


Her favorite movies are When Harry Met Sally, Jurassic Park, and The Royal Tenenbaums.  Sarah aspires to live her life like Liz Lemon with a dash of Julia Child.


It is her great hope that the Come On In Blog will make entertaining and weeknight cooking feel less like a chore for readers and more like a joy.

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